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amargada crónica

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

Parece que estoy Eimamorada!

how could I do not like this guy that much?
why do I write this in english instead of spanish? because eventually I'll want him to read it.


how could I don't like him if he does this stupid face everytime I took him a picture, but this is a special one, as he took it himself. And even doing that stupid face I think he looks gorgeous!
hi, I'm super cute 

How could I don't like him, when basically, I could steal all his shirts because I love them all! And he likes ginger taste, just like me. 

stop being flirty all the fucking time

And even when he is doing random things -like showing me the photo he took me- and I took him a photo, but looks like he was taking a selfie... whatever, he looks so cool.
-OMG, I think I'm his fan!-
everytime I see this picture something changes in me

And even when he's a worm, we have fun in the places that are not so fun. Like Coney Island.
ps_I'm horny and kinky, but you're WAY worse.

i can't stop making that face

and I like you even when you look like that. Totally sleepy and miserable like the morning of my bday when you were standing there so tired and I called you to come back to bed with me.
after hanging out with me for 3 days and I never shut up.

and sorry to tell, but when I leave this country, I'm taking those eyes with me, you have 3 options:
- i will just take them while your sleep (under drugs )
- you can come with them to chile with me
- i might take them if i got pregnant with your child.

what have I got myself into?!

Love you!,

your creepy girlfriend.
valentina consuelo ibarra viera

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Creo que voy a escribir un libro con todas mis aventuras y desventuras - aunque no sé bien que significa desventuras-. 
Con todas mis desvarios como cuando me vuelvo loca en Central Park y me pasó 8000 películas por hora y después no sé si estoy en lo correcto o estoy equivocada.
Voy a escribir un libro que empezó en agosto del año pasado, pero que todavía no termina, así que va a ser un libro sin final.
Probablemente nadie va a leer mi libro. Ni yo. Probablemente va a estar escrito como el pico, pero a quien le importa, prometo que va a ser un libro honesto y ni siquiera voy a cambiar los nombres. Los voy a dejar tal cual. Pero va a estar en español.
Quizas va a estar traducido al inglés en algunas partes
quizás no.
Quizás me sirva pa' quedarme en los Estados Juntos. Quien sabe, quizás me vaya a Haiti de voluntaria, quizás me vaya a Chile a trabajar normal. Quizás me caso con Jessica. Nadie sabe!